Nature's contributions to people (NCP)


Nature’s contributions to people are all the contributions, both positive and negative, of living nature (i.e. diversity of organisms, ecosystems, and their associated ecological and evolutionary processes) to the quality of life for people. Beneficial contributions from nature include such things as food provision, water purification, flood control, and artistic inspiration, whereas detrimental contributions include disease transmission and predation that damages people or their assets. Many of nature’s contributions to people may be perceived as benefits or detriments depending on the cultural, temporal or spatial context.

Diaz et al. 2018 1 as referenced by IPBES 2019 2

Nature’s contributions to people (a concept similar to and inclusive of ecosystem services) refers to all the contributions from biodiversity to people’s well-being or quality of life. They include (a) material contributions, such as the production of food, feed, fibre, medicines and energy, (b) regulating services, such as the regulation of air and water quality, climate regulation, pollination, regulation of pests and diseases and provision of habitat, and (c) other non-material contributions, such as learning, inspiration, health, physical, psychological, spiritual well-being and experiences and supporting identities and culture, as well as maintaining options for future generations.

 CBD (2021) 3